A SUMMER STATE OF MIND ~ Benefits to joining our Membership Waitlist

People don't often talk about how much they love to wait — waiting in line at check out, for your food at a restaurant, for your order to ship, for the doctor to see you, for your turn at the DMV. Waiting has become especially difficult for people in today's fast-moving, instant gratification-needing environment. But some things are well worth the wait, like Membership at the Edgewood Club.
Here are three reasons to secure your spot on our waitlist.
A Guaranteed Spot
Joining a waitlist doesn't sound ideal, we get it. However, the sooner you join our waitlist, the shorter your wait time will be. Being on the waitlist guarantees you a spot when your name comes up.
Our Club is in High Demand
You may initially view our waitlist as a negative thing, but a group of people anxiously waiting to join, means the club is offering programs and amenities that people enjoy and ones that are in high demand. Our waitlist indicates vibrancy and a satisfied membership.
Our Club is Dedicated to Current Members
Our waitlist demonstrates that we are dedicated to our current members. Instead of adding members and creating issues the Board has set a maximum capacity to ensure a positive and memorable experience at The Edgewood Club.
We understand some may view a waitlist negatively, but you'll appreciate the consideration once you're a member yourself.