To our members, The Edgewood Club is more than simply a place to gather, swim, play, and relax. It’s a place to interact with like-minded people who understand the importance of community.

The Edgewood Club enriches the lives of members as well as the Edgewood Community.
For more than a century, The Edgewood Club has welcomed the community with open arms. It continues to foster togetherness while building a stronger sense of community identity for Edgewood.
The Edgewood Club was the cornerstone of the Edgewood High School social calendar, acting as the school auditorium, hosting countless concerts, dances, plays, senior proms and graduations. Over the years, the Club has hosted every Edgewood community group including the Edgewood Historical Society, Edgewood Garden Club, COT Club, the Edgewood Foundation, Edgewood Borough, Edgewood Symphony, and the CC Mellor Memorial Library.
One former Edgewood Club tradition, the election night party, has brought the Club a bit of regional and national fame. On November 2, 1920, around 300 people gathered to hear the first commercial radio broadcasts of election results from Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company's new radio station, KDKA. A plaque documenting the event can be found in the Club's ballroom.
Today, The Edgewood Club is proud to be an Edgewood community member and continue the tradition of welcoming the community with open arms. Community is the thread that brings us together.
If your community group is interested in hosting an event, please visit